Attend Our Multisite Labs @ Exponential East
Orlando, FL
April 25-26, 2016


Jim_WadeJoin Jim Tomberlin, Wade Burnett and the MultiSite Solutions Team at the Exponential Conference, the largest gathering of church planters on the planet, as we explore what it means to embed reproduction and multiplication in everything we do as a church.


Multisite Best Practices (Monday, April 25)
Every week over 5 million people attend one of the 5,000+ multisite churches across North America. Multisite has truly become the “new normal” for healthy, growing, outreach-oriented churches. Although every multisite church eventually adopts their own unique approach, there are also some very identifiable best practices emerging across the multisite movement. In this pre-conference Lab, learn what’s working best in the multisite world and evaluate your multisite fit with Jim Tomberlin and Wade Burnett.

Radical Multisite Lab (Tuesday, April 26)
The future of the multisite movement belongs to churches who want to move beyond adding one or two campuses and who instead long to see their church begin multiplying congregations exponentially. These pioneering churches seek to operate out of a multiplication culture by reproducing disciples and campuses at an accelerating rate. In this pre-conference lab, Wade Burnett and Jim Tomberlin examine the characteristics of multiplying multisite churches and invite you to begin taking steps now toward becoming a future movement-making multisite church. Regardless of whether you are launching your first campus or your tenth, there are concrete steps you can take now to prepare for the new season of multiplication ahead.

Additional Workshops Offered by the MultiSite Solutions Team:

Multisiting or Church Planting?   Wade Burnett
What Makes a Great Campus Pastor?   Greg Ligon
The Church Merger Dance   Jim Tomberlin
Should My Church Go MultiSite?   Wade Burnett
Leadership in a Multisite Environment   Jenni Catron

When you register for Exponential East 2016 and choose the Multisite Lab pre-conference, you can use the code multisite16 to receive $39 off your registration.

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