Do you know whether or not your team culture is healthy? Many churches don’t, and this eventually always comes at a great price. It’s pretty common for organizations to make plans for a new year without first gaining clarity and insight about the team that will actually be executing the vision. Churches can’t reach their full potential until they can positively answer the following questions:

  1. Do my team members trust each other?

    Trust is the foundation of great cultures. Teams that have built trust can delegate ministry responsibilities without wondering whether or not they will be completed. Teams that trust each other admit mistakes without placing blame on their teammates. Debate happens frequently, and teams that have built trust participate and are fully empowered and engaged.

  2. Does my team have a “get to” or “have to” mentality?

    When staff culture is strong, people generally want to be at meetings, events and other activities. Staff in a strong culture don’t feel like they are “punching the clock” for another long day at the office. Healthy teams have fun.

  3. Does my team have a clear path for leadership development?

    Teams tend to be more healthy when there is a clear path for their development. This means that everyone understands exactly how they can grow as leaders. Churches spend a great deal of time and effort creating “next steps” for people who attend, but its rare to see clear “next steps” for staff. When a staff member doesn’t see a clear growth path, they will eventually become stagnate, unchallenged and unfulfilled.

  4. Does my team understand and live out the core values of our organization?

    Core values answer the question, “How do we behave?” Patrick Lencioni says, “Values are critical to having healthy teams because they define a company’s personality. They provide team members with clarity about how to behave which reduces the need for inefficient management.”

  5. Does my team have clear goals that are tied directly to mission and vision?

    When teams are not given mission-oriented goals they start to head in different directions which can eventually lead to ministry silos. Clear goals keep staff aligned and help them understand when they are winning. Everyone wants to feel like they are contributing to a greater cause.

  6. Are my team members in the right seats?

    Someone being in the wrong role adds frustration and negativity to a team’s culture. Unhealthy teams hire staff quickly just to fill a need without thinking about the effect the new team member will have on team chemistry and whether or not the new person may be a better fit in a different role. Getting team members in the right seats requires constant evaluation and an ongoing willingness to change.

  7. Have I given my team clear lines of reporting?

    Your culture suffers when people on your team do not realize who they report to or where to go to ask questions. Team members get frustrated when they start receiving tasks and instructions from multiple voices.

Taking time to evaluate the health of your staff is a great investment. This time of year is also a wonderful opportunity to assess the health of your entire ministry. The Unstuck Group’s Ministry Health Assessment can help you do that.

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