An introduction to future of church

Future of the Church is a conversation starter. It's an idea and a hope that if church leaders get together and collaborate they will inspire a Church - big "C" - that will take the world by storm because its message will be so genuine. Unfortunately, because of the competitiveness among churches and between denominations, culture often sees the Church as promoting an ingenuine belief system. And, at this point in the history of the Church, unity is our revival.

As a Church we have been entrusted with the most amazing message on Earth, yet we are diluting its effectiveness by our fragmented church model. We have stopped referring to the church with a big "C", and instead we talk about our individual churches, little "c". A fragmented church model says one word to the unchurched: unauthentic.

It doesn't matter if you're a pastor or an every-time-the-doors-are-open churchgoer, we are blinded to what the world clearly sees. And what the world notices

are the seemingly unauthentic nuances within the Church. They hear our denominational (or lackthereof) preference, they hear our different opinions on cultural hot topics, and they hear how we talk about churches as if they were rival food chains.

What if we stopped and listened to each other? What if by listening to one another we realized that we each have similar goals and hopes for the future of the Church?